Thursday, May 12, 2005

My Ideas

I haven't written anything in prose for a while. Every time I get an idea, now, I just write a quick little paragraph and turn it into a poem. It's much easier to get my ideas down, and still feel like I've accomplished something. I wrote this yesterday:

I've decided to stop talking.
The things I say
only make people
In fact,
this note is probably
making your blood boil
right now.
You'd better stop reading.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Hello Loth,
I just stumbled on your blog, cruising randomly from place to place. You are an interesting young person -- that doesn't happen often when people are your age so have things going on inside your head that are worth listening to (how very neat)! I am glad to have had the chance to listen in.
I am an old lady of 50 years, and still wondering some of the same kinds of things you wonder and still trying to figure out much of my life even as you are... Change does not stop happening just because you achieve a certain number of years. If it did there would be no particular reason to get up in the morning.
I write at "theswansheart" if you are interested (although you should be forewarned, some of it is weird and kinky). Anyway, I hope you keep looking at the world in your most interesting way.
