Friday, April 04, 2008

My Visit From McCain

My day began on a high note when I realized that John McCain was watching me do my homework from the balcony. My friend Jason and I had a quick chat with him about politics in which we explained that we support Hillary Clinton. He was not happy about this revelation.

He scampered off to the left, and we thought he'd gone. Moments later, I realized that he was hiding in the corner when I saw him watching me in the reflection of the television. When he realized that I saw him looking (probably from my screech of horror), he darted back to the middle of the balcony to stare at me head on. We tried to convince him that we simply wouldn't be voting for him, but he wouldn't stop staring and scampering.

Finally, Jason and I started crying, and we begged him to go (he was fatter in person than on television), and we told him that there was no room in the apartment for war heroes. We explained that the people next door were republicans (a lie, but can you blame us?) and he quickly scurried off into the pine trees and hopped into the next balcony and into the apartment next door.

While I feel bad for family next door, I can only be ecstatic that our ordeal is over.

And he lifted his hands above his head, so that's crap.

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