Friday, January 18, 2008

My Dreams

In the last two weeks I've had four dreams about hiding. One of them was of me hiding from zombies; the other three were hiding from bad men, usually in my own house (which is often different). The last thing I remember before I wake up is running into a closet as quietly as I can -- sometimes alone, sometimes with my little brother -- and hiding beneath a pile of blankets, hoping that all of the bad people will leave the house without checking the closet. The weird thing is, from what I can remember the bad people/men are usually people who are involved in my dreams before they turn bad. They're secretly evil and I don't find out until the end when I run off to hide.

The zombie one was freaky. I ran off to a tiny house/apartment with my friend Michelle and while we were crouching on the floor we watched a zombie walk by a huge open window. We both froze, staring at the window, hoping he hadn't seen us, then he slowly came back into view and looked at us and moaned and tried to get in through the window, followed by hundreds of other zombies behind him. I woke up after trying to poke them away for a while, and it took me several minutes to calm down and get back to sleep after that.

So...I just thought it was weird that I'm having dreams about hiding so often. It makes me wonder....

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