Thursday, March 04, 2010

Your confusion is the size of SIX felt-tipped markers.

I'm reeeeeeeeady for school to end. I'm pushing myself forward, of course, always making sure I have a goal to work toward, something to look forward to in the next year or two, but for now I'd like to catch up on family, writing, and sleep. That would be nice.

I have an addiction to the internet. Namely Facebook and, but really I could stay online for hours or days even without those websites. I don't always waste my time on the internet, just I only do productive things about 25% of the time. It's a problem I wish would go away, but I've recently discovered that I've been addicted longer than I'd first thought -- about 8 years, in fact. I'm surprised I still have a life. Not bad.

I just like to be brain dead. I like a constant flow of entertainment going into my eyes or ears all the time, and if that's not happening, then it flows out. If classes get too unbearable, lately I draw. I used to write, I used to write really really fast while taking notes in class. Sometimes I'd write in French in case the teacher walked by. Lately it's just jotted notes that amuse or amaze me.

1. My hair always looks shockingly blonde after I watch a Chinese or Japanese movie.
2. What would the teacher think if I left due to a coughing fit and came back with a muffin?
3. I feel half intensely dense and half like I'll float away. Like a balloon tied to a stone.
4. Humans used to live in caves, still do, just make them bigger, better.
5. If a human bites a vampire, does it turn back into a human?
6. Mexicans should use hot sauce packets from Taco Bell to burn through the border fences.
7. Do they have Taco Bells in Mexico?

Sometimes I make lists of all the really amazing things that happened to me while I was in Japan, like talking to the old Japanese man about his obsession with Les Mis, or ordering an ice cream in Japanese in Chinatown from a Chinese woman, or just people watching with Eyrun and David on Bakayama as the sun went down. I wonder if things like these will ever happen to me again, or if it's all passed and I'll just live the rest of my life like I did before.

I wish I was better at making new friends. Something about being in Japan made it easy, way easier than it was before or after. I'm really really thankful to have Michelle; no one else in the world would do with me what she does. That sounds dirty. Nevermind.

1 comment:

Tom said...

1: I've never done that, I have darkish hair.
2: "Why didn't she bring me one??"
3: Make sure no one cuts your string without your knowledge.
4: Yes, and they call it the internet. Zing!!
5: No, the vampire looses it's powers and just sparkles.
6: Then where would the smuggle their drugs?
7: Yes, but they call them "Shitty Tacos", seeing as how they are Tex Mex.